Friday, February 6, 2009

Angels in America Part 1: Millennium Approaches Option #2

1. The stage production before it moved to Broadway (pre-1993: Los Angeles, San Francisco, or London)

1) Nicholas De Jongh, Evening Standard (London), January 24, 1992, Friday


"Tony Kushner's Angels In America is like a roman candle hurled into a drawing room."

Mr. Nicholas De Jongh thinks very highly of the script "Angels in America" and especially of the playwright Tony Kushner. He goes so far as to say that Tony Kushner is the most important American playwright since David Mamet. He also gives detailed description of all of the principles roles and of the journeys that they take throughout the course of the play.

2. The original Broadway production (1993)

1) Vit Wagner, The Toronto Star, May 9, 1993, Sunday, SUNDAY SECOND EDITION

2) "Extraordinary, because Angels In America is not a glitzy, new musical or even the work of a bankable playwright, but an intelligent, 3 1/2-hour drama by a relatively unknown dramatist, Tony Kushner, making his Broadway debut."

3) The writer discuss the sucess that the London production of "Millenium Approaches" had and how the Broadway version was a complete success. He says that Part 1 has already one a pulitzer prize and that Part 2 will be debuting in Fall of the same year and that production is already underway.

3. A non-NYC-based professional production(since 1993)

1) The Thresher Online, Ryan Minor, April 7, 1995

2) "The title change occurred because despite our enlightened rhetoric and official aesthetic creed that being gay is cool, AIDS and three-dimensional gay men are still woefully taboo ( Philadelphia , anyone?). "

3) The author is reviewing the first part of "Angels in America" entitled "Millienum Approaches". He reveals that The second part will be opening in a few weeks. He describes the show as a whirlwind of AIDS, hot topics, archetypal people, historical figures and witty dialouge and that would give you "Angels in America".

4. A College production (anytime)

1) Talkin' Broadway, John Laviviere, February 26, 2007

2) "They deal with issues of AIDS, Jewish and Mormon identity, homosexuality, Liberalism versus Conservatism, civil freedom and political corruption, power and greed, faith and compassion, and ultimate enlightenment."

3) The author gives a brief description of the outline of the play from beginning to end. He also explains how he believed he actor portrayed their charcater and agrees with most of them. He mentions the scenic and acting transistions as well as lights and sound, and gives the cast and crew list at the bottom of the article.

4. The HBO mini-series (2003 film version)


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